To say trading has been tough for the past year and a half is… well, an understatement.
What do we have to deal with? Unfathomable economic data, the great inflation/deflation debate, the financial collapse of the western world and so on. But, all that’s OK, I can deal with all that and I can teach you how to deal with it. Now however, we have fraudulent short selling, a new wave of insider trading, the flash crash and finally, the High Frequency Traders, who, with their denial of service tactics and sub penny pricing, ensure that their gain is our loss. In this anything-goes market, can we make money??
Yes! Beat them at their own game.
Scalping Techniques for E-minis S&Pz, Forex, Eurostoxx50, and Equities using DiNapoli Levels.
November 17th 1PM-5PM. To attend you must sign up with the Traders Expo. We do not process orders for this event.
$395 early bird special
In today’s ultra volatile, massively manipulated, and institutionally dominated markets, you are simply dead without high quality leading indicator techniques. Do you want to join the ranks of the informed market participants making obscene gains because they have the knowledge and experience to interact with today’s markets? That’s the first pertinent question. The next question is, can you live with techniques that require you to understand how the market really works? In other words, can you accept the way things really are or do you want to place trades listening to CNBC? Let’s put it another way… Can you go against the crowd?
I live and trade in Bangkok and in a typical day/night session I get between 2 and 14 trades. That’s every session, day in, day out. My trades span several markets…the Emini, S&P , the Eurostoxx50, Currencies, Gold, and Oil. This does not count my equity trades, which can last considerably longer.
In this presentation, I will give you my very best intra-day trading techniques. They will include the use of the DiNapoli MACD Predictor, Dynamic pressure, the Stop Grabber, the Railroad track, the Wash and Rinse, new approaches on fading indicators across time frames, and more. I will outline Scalp-o Rama, my trade plan for scalping. I will show you what drags in the institutional players, and how to beat them at their own game.
Trades in the Futures and Forex markets usually last between 2 minutes and 2 hours, most, being closed about 15 minutes after entry. If you want to trade high leverage and avoid overnight risk, these high quality entry and exit techniques have the potential to change your trading careers. Every single trade has dynamic, targeted, profit objectives that make volatility work for you, not against you.
If you trade longer term, from days to several weeks, these same exact strategies can work for you. Instead of applying them on 1, 3, or 5 minute charts you would simply elevate the time frame to hours, dailies or weekly. Instead of being in a trade for a few minutes you would be in a trade perhaps a few days or weeks. The trades you enter however are not meant as a marriage contract. While some may turn out to be major long term winners, the idea is to catch tradable bounces so prevalent in today’s markets. It is not magic, it is a method you can learn and apply. I will show you exactly why I was heavily long at the March 2009 at the panic lows! I’ll show you fills!
If you’ve studied DiNapoli trading techniques in the past,
this event will give you the opportunity to update and enhance what is in my book “Trading with DiNapoli Levels”.
I will reserve adequate time to update the approach. Also, there is some new material on the application of the DiNapoli Levels themselves.
I only visit the US once every other year. Unless you plan to come to Bangkok to attend a private seminar there will not be another opportunity to update your knowledge.
Considerations and Disclaimers:
Software: You don’t have to subscribe to the DiNapoli Level trading tools in Genesis, Global Forex, NextView, TradeStation or CQG, but it sure helps!
Level of training: There will be one hour of basic instruction. After that, it’s going to be advanced. You would be best served to study the material in “Trading with DiNapoli Levels” before attending. If you are brand new to trading, pick another class. These methods are going to show you how to buy them when others are panicking and sell them when everyone else is counting their open equity and thinking about how smart they are. New traders are simply not psychologically able to cope with trades like these.
Difficulty in application: These techniques are powerful and require a strong money management background. While they do have the potential for very high percentages of winning trades some are clearly dangerous for Newbies. Depending upon your time frame, you will need high quality software with good data feeds for the application of these tools, not free brokerage downloads.
Rough Course Outline:
One hour Basic: DiNapoli Levels, Basic and Advanced. Multiple reaction D-level creation, Confluence, and Agreement. Directional and Trend Indicators
One hour: Updates and enhancements the to strategies as taught in “Trading with DiNapoli Levels”
Two hours: Scalping techniques … Scalp-o-Rama
These segments are not mutually exclusive.
Hope to see you there
Joe DiNapoli
Those using the material for trading purposes are responsible for their own actions. No guarantee is made that trading signals or methods of analysis will be profitable or will not result in losses. It should not be assumed that performance will equal or exceed past results.