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FibNodes™ - Designed by Joe DiNapoli. Order Now

An inexpensive alternative that allows accurate and organized trading utilizing D-Levels™.

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About FibNodes:

FibNodes is produced and supported by us. It's our old standby product for those that want to do it right but don't have a deep pocket and don't want monthly charges. It's been around in one form or another for 25 years. The FibNodes software has been designed to efficiently implement the strategies taught in DiNapoli Levels. I used this software for 13 years trading full sized S&P's. Without I could not have kept up with the market. It's an old solution and we have much better options now, but FibNodes does work well! If you want to stick with your own charting package, FibNodes is the way to go.

How FibNodes Works:

FibNodes is now available in "non Integrated" mode only. FibNodes Non-Integrated is data independent. It does not use a database or on-line service to develop its files. You input the pertinent points. The program develops, stores, calculates and presents the support and resistance levels as described in The Trading Course, Trading with DiNapoli Levels, and in the DVD we offer. If the market makes a new high or low, or if a new Reaction Number is called for, you add only this number. The program then uses the data already in the file to recalculate all pertinent points. Since non-integrated FibNodes is data independent you can use any graphics software with it. Many DiNapoli traders that use more expensive DiNapoli indicator software solutions for their trading, also use Fibnodes software for foreign securities and mutual funds where the data is not readily available.


FibNodes is inexpensive. Its price has declined over the years, while its features and functionality have increased. We have reduced the price to $195 and new users can get 2 free months on our proprietary (forum) pages, an $80 value.
Many of FibNodes' advantages are subtle. The cost of the software does not justify fooling around with spreadsheet programs in an attempt to duplicate what has taken me 16 years to achieve. FibNodes was developed for fast-paced trading and cannot be appreciated until you have worked with the concept and implemented the strategies over a period of time.

Fibnode Features:

The power of the program comes from its ease of use, unique presentation, and organizational capabilities. Below are some of its features:
  • HOT KEYS: virtually all FIBNODE FUNCTIONS can be implemented by a single key input. There are no complicated command lines and fussing around with the mouse is often not required.
  • PAGING CAPABILITY: You can efficiently access previously created FIBNODE files by simply hitting the "+" or the "-" key.
  • RATIO SELECTION: FibNodes defaults to the ratios I use, but you can easily select and maintain virtually any ratios you choose. This can be used as an excellent research tool .
  • DUPLICATE A FILE: This feature allows you to automatically create the same file with different ratio inputs.
  • 32ND CONVERSION: The program recognizes Bond, Treasury Notes, or Muni Bond files and automatically accepts and produces Nodes in 32nds notation.
  • COLORED NODES: As a visual aid, Focus and Reaction Numbers and all pertinent information is color-coded to help you locate areas of Confluence easily.
  • UPDATING FILES: Adding or deleting information is designed to be easy and quick!
  • GRAPHIC DISPLAY: Pertinent FibNodes data is displayed in a graphic color-coded chart format which makes it easy for you you determine the location of Confluence and D-Levels for accurate entry and stop-loss placement.
  • Plus many more features.

          Disclaimer. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Those using the materials for trading purposes are responsible for their own actions. No guarantee is made that trading signals or methods of analysis will be profitable or will not result in losses. It should not be assumed that performance will equal or exceed past results.
          Trademarks and Copyrights: FibNodes, DiNapoli Levels, Oscillator Predictor, MACD Predictor and D-Levels are trademarks of Coast Investment Software Inc. All contents of this website are Copyrighted © 1998-2023, Coast Investment Software Inc. All Rights reserved worldwide.
          NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there been any attempt to determine whether any testimonials are representative of the experiences of all persons using the methods described herein or to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. No person was compensated for providing a testimonial.